Upload image of your room (minimum size 1 MB) or select an image from our gallery
Click on play button to watch help video or clickskip button to proceed.
Define the walls that you want to paint. Click on the corners of your wall to select area for visualisation. Once done, click 'FINISH SELECTION' . After you finish selecting all your walls, click on 'VISUALISE' .
Drag and drop colour or other effect on the wall
1 Upload
2 Marking
3 Visualise
  • Colours

Find the perfect colour, textures, stencils and wallpapers from our library of over thousand.

            Match not found

                Available in these shades

                          Note : Colour/Shade Fidelity

                          Please enter approximate height (in feet) of the wall


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                          This application is not supported by Mobile Phones. Please use Tablet or Desktop for better experience.

                          Colour/Shade Fidelity


                          The shades displayed on this site are indicative and are not precise representations of actual paint colours due to variance in monitor calibrations and resolutions as well as screen settings. While scientific tools have been used to match colours and make them look like the paint you will use, yet, there is likely to be a difference.

                          You may bring any of the colour shade code to your local Colour World dealer to match and/or order the exact colour you are looking for.

                          We offer 200 ml samplers of our products at select Colour World outlets, which can be tinted to any colour of your choice. Not all shades are available in all products. Please visit the nearest Colour World dealer for shade details.